!!!!!!MUST READ!!!!!!

Clients who miss their appointments without providing at least 24 hours’ notice may lose the ability to book future appointments.

Reminder: We cannot accept client’s with an open ICBC or Worksafe claim

We look forward to seeing you!

Student Massage Therapy Treatments

Student massage therapy treatments are a learning and practice opportunity for students to hone their skills and professional development in a clinical setting. Students start in the clinic in their third term of the program, and continue through until their sixth and final term. A Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) works along side the students to share their knowledge and understanding of h... Read More

Student massage therapy treatments are a learning and practice opportunity for students to hone their skills and professional development in a clinical setting. Students start in the clinic in their third term of the program, and continue through until their sixth and final term. A Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) works along side the students to share their knowledge and understanding of human anatomy and being in practice. All appointments, regardless if they are initial or subsequent treatments will include an interview, assessment, treatment and homecare and re-assessment.

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to view available appointment times

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Located at: 532 Leon Ave, 2nd Floor, Kelowna
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